“I’ve traveled a great deal in my life and stayed in some very fine hotels. I feel I am on an extended vacation living at Rutland Place. It is just as nice or nicer than any fine hotel.”
– M. Palmer
“I love Rutland Place. I’m living in beautiful surroundings, I’m making new friends, I eat fabulous food every day and I’m saving money. Why would I want to live anywhere else?”
– W. Woodard
“From a Resident’s daughter:
When I tell my friends about Daddy’s new home, they just can’t believe all the things included and, of course, the price. Daddy is so blessed to be where he is surrounded by loving and caring people.”
– E. Yoshiba
“Never in a million years did I think I’d come here – I thought Rutland Place was for old people. A place where you go and sit. Wow! Was I completely wrong! I am having the time of my life. I am living the Dream at Rutland Place.”
-Ms. Barber
When I walked in the front door I knew this is where I wanted to be – everything was so homey and warm. The staff were so welcoming. I knew right away I wanted to move to Rutland Place immediately.
-ML Ramsey